Lea Johanna Becker
C10 Tape(stry) Lea Johanna Becker – Tapestry of a tape dispenser.
C10 Tape(stry) Lea Johanna Becker – Tapestry of a tape dispenser.
C10 Tape(stry) Lea Johanna Becker – Tapestry of a tape dispenser.
C10 Tape(stry) Lea Johanna Becker – Tapestry of a tape dispenser.
C10 Tape(stry) Lea Johanna Becker – Tapestry of a tape dispenser.
C10 Tape(stry) Lea Johanna Becker – Tapestry of a tape dispenser.
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C10 tape(stry)
100 × 125 cm
Jun 2022
academic practice project

This hand-tufted wall tapestry captures the essence of everyday objects which over time transform into iconic pieces. It portrays an oversized C10 Scotch tape dispenser, celebrating the artistry that can be found in the most ordinary things. In its simplicity, the tapestry elevates the utilitarian into the realm of art. It transforms the familiar into the extraordinary, inviting us to appreciate the beauty of everyday life in a whole new light.